Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Reset Your Hormones to Lose Up to 40 Pounds of Extra Weight

One thing everyone should know is that losing belly fat shouldn't just be done to to look better. Those "love handles" aren't just unattractive, carrying that extra weight around the abdomen is really bad for your health. 

It is so much worse to carry weight on your middle rather than carrying weight on your hips or thighs, and it is a key indicator of a hormonal imbalance.

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If you have struggled to lose weight or keep it off, your hormones are could very likely be the problem. Your hormones play a part in every aspect of weight loss including your metabolism, where you store your fat, your appetite and even your cravings.

Any form of hormonal imbalance will sabotage weight loss efforts, regardless of your diet and exercise habits.

Here Are 10 Tips To Help Reset Your Hormones:

Eat Protein
The consumption of protein stimulates the fat burning process and keeps you full, so you should increase the intake of protein-rich foods, such as beans, lentils, and legumes.

Natural Remedies for Eczema

How to Get Rid of Eczema

Of course, once diet has been addressed, there are some things that can be used topically to speed healing or limit discomfort during the healing time. For us, these things were helpful:

1. Coconut Oil
We use it for skin, hair, teeth, health and even soap making at our house, but it is also great for eczema (as long as the person isn’t allergic/intolerant to coconut!).

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I’ve found that for us, a thin layer of coconut oil or a coconut oil lotion bar helps cool eczema itching and pain. For those sensitive to coconut oil, these hypoallergenic lotion bars work really well too.

2. Sea Spray
For eczema that is wet/oozing, I’ve found that drying it works better than trying to moisturize it and offers relief. For this, we use a homemade salt and magnesium spray. 

Health Benefits of Bone Broth and How to Make Your Own!

Find out what other bone broth benefits are waiting for you and discover how to make your own batch using our quick and easy recipe.

What is Bone Broth?

Bone broth may just be the first “superfood” and the difference is in how the broth is prepared.

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Now bone broth isn’t just your regular stock made after a few hours of simmering a chicken carcass on the stove. Bone broth benefits come from simmering the bones for up to 72 hours, which allows the marrow to be cooked down and the minerals to be released.

Bone Broth Benefits

1. Joint Health
Broth made from bones and joints contains several nutrients that help strengthen your own skeletal system. Believe it or not, bones are actually pretty rich in protein — close to 50% protein by volume. The collagen from the bones, tendons, and ligaments are broken down during the cooking process and turned into gelatin, which is actually a protein (Hint: properly prepared broth congeals in the fridge due to gelatin). Gelatin contains several important amino acids, such as proline and glycine.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Natural Sunburn Remedies

Sunburns may be caused by either too much sun exposure or too much ultraviolet (UV) exposure from a tanning bed. If you have light skin, eyes, or hair, or freckles, your risk for sunburn is even higher.

When you spend too much time out in the sun, your body will trigger your skin to increase its melanin production for protection, which could give you a darker and/or irregular color.  Fun fact: Melanin gives color not only to your skin, but your eyes as well!

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Here is 8 Natural Sunburn Remedies

The protective effects of melanin are crushed when you have an excess amount of sun exposure. Your skin cells die, triggering your body to increase blood flow and causing inflammation to the area.

Your skin is also largely responsible for regulation of your immune system, which is suppressed with high doses of UV radiation.

So if you’ve accidentally spent too much time at the beach, here are a few sunburn remedies to help combat mild, painful sunburns.

Note: if you have severe sunburns, especially the type with blisters, make sure to consult with your doctor before trying any of these methods.

What Happens To Your Skin When You Use Coconut Oil Every Day

We all know the benefits of including coconut oil in your diet, but do you know what happens when you use coconut oil for skin care?

This versatile beauty aid supports healthy skin and can replace all those expensive (and possibly toxic) store bought products. Read on to discover how to use coconut oil for skin. Your beauty routine is about to get that much better!

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What is Coconut Oil?

Before diving into the skincare of coconut oil, let’s take a look at where it comes from and how it works. Coconut oil is derived from the coconut palm tree, and is so highly valued by traditional cultures as both a source of food and medicine that it is called “The Tree of Life.”

Coconut oil by nature is a refined product, because oil does not grow on a tree. The oil is extracted from the kernel or meat of harvested coconuts.

Technically speaking, the only truly “unrefined” coconut oil you can consume is the oil still inside the meat from a fresh coconut just picked off the tree. The least refined type is virgin coconut oil.